Thursday, November 6, 2008

Speaking of "Marketing Men"

Please excuse the momentary diversion from the subject of Barihunks, but the latest ad campaign for the L.A. Opera's Carmen is a nice follow-up to this sites two post on marketing men. This photo is being used in the banner ad for their upcoming production of the opera. I doubt that this is Escamillo, but if any directors are reading this, that concept might explain why the gypsy was so willing to dump Don Jose.


  1. Maybe just me, the guy needs to shave. Can you imagine Carmen without shaving? Should not have double standard in this case.

  2. What does he need to shave? Carmen could use a makeover, but he's just about perfect.

  3. It's just the ad. The dancers are quite beautiful, as is the principal Carmen, Victoria Vizin...

  4. Three cheers to LA Opera, Dallas Opera and Ft. Worth Opera for giving us some skin. It's about time that we start glorifying men.
