[Top to Bottom: Randall Turner (photo from artist website), Franco Pomponi (photo from artist website), Michael Todd Simpson (photo from artist website), Nathan Gunn (ScreenCap) and David Adam Moore (ScreenCap)]
During this uniquely American holiday weekend, I thought that it would be appropriate to give thanks to the abundance of American barihunks in our midst. From top to bottom you'll find Indiana native Randal Turner, one of the cutest and most charming singers in the world today; Franco Pomponi, whose sultry looks and animal magnetism can steal the show regardless of who else is on the stage; North Carolina native Michael Todd Simpson, whose tall, striking presence and warm, rich baritone are a sheer delight; Illinois resident Nathan Gunn who many claim was the inspiration for the term Barihunk and who certainly has personified the term; and, the deeply profound Texas native David Adam Moore, who has made modern opera sexy.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of American Barihunks, but it certainly represents the hottest and most popular barihunks on this site. I can always tell when Nathan Gunn is on TV, because the site visits go through the roof.
I also want to take time to thank all of the
Barihunks fans who send me pictures and suggestions. I am planning some upgrades to the site in the near future, due to some great suggestions from readers. I try to respond to everyone and am committed to posting as many hot singers as possible. My apologies to those who don't make the cut.
For today's listening pleasure here is Michael Todd Simpson singing one of the most beautiful versions of the Nedda-Silvio duet from Pagliacci that I've heard:
http://www.michaeltoddsimpson.com/audio.htmlYou can reach this site at barihunks@gmail.com