The Hamburg State Opera is home to two of our favorite barihunks, Wilhelm Schwinghammer and Alexander Tsymbalyuk. Needless to say, we keep a close eye on what's happening on their stage. We were thrilled to see that Hamburg is performing Iphigenie en Tauride with another of our favorite hunks.
Christopher Maltman is performing Oreste in Iphigenie en Tauride with hunkentenor Toby Spence as Pylade. Perhaps neither is showing us as much skin as the cast in the recent Armide in Berlin, but it's a total joy to watch Maltman onstage with his raw sexuality, especially when paired with Toby Spence.
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"Raw sexuality" is the perfect description for Maltman. I saw him in recital recently and he couldn't keep his hands off himself even when singing lieder. It was oddly hot.