Baritones Trevor Martin, Matt Moeller, Wes Mason, Stephen Clark and Wes Gentile |
We made our annual trek to the Fort Worth Opera Festival again this year and hosted another barihunk lunch. It was attended by baritones Trevor Martin, Matt Moeller, Wes Mason, Stephen Clark and Wes Gentile. Normally, we always invite a single Honorary Tenor, but this year we had three of them, as Dane Suarez, Brian Wallin and Kevin Newell joined us.
In an effort to get to know the singers a little better this year, we asked them some questions, which we'd like to share with our readers. Here are the baritone responses.
I'm a self-proclaimed expert on:
Trevor Martin: Game of Thrones
Matt Moeller: College Sports
Wes Mason: Sharks
Stephen Clark: The Bible
Wes Gentile: Nicolas Cage
David T. Little and Royce Vavrek's next opera should be about [blank] and feature me as [blank]
Trevor Martin: Bruce Jenner....Bruce Jenner
Matt Moeller: Game of Thrones...All the Dragons
Wes Mason: The Wild West...Doc Holliday
Stephen Clark: Mice Minutes...Mouse #3
Wes Gentile: Neal DeGrasse Tyson...A Dying Star
Secret Midnight Snack:
Trevor Martin: Whiteburger
Matt Moeller: Sweet potato chips
Wes Mason: Buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks
Stephen Clark: Wendy's
Wes Gentile: Dark chocolate-covered raisins
At age 10 I dreamed of being a....
Trevor Martin: Skywalker in Star Wars
Matt Moeller: Baseball player
Wes Mason: Marine Biologist
Stephen Clark: Writer
Wes Gentile: Primatologist
My pet peave is...
Trevor Martin: Bad drivers
Matt Moeller: Chewing with your mouth open
Wes Mason: Entitlement
Stephen Clark: Ungrateful people
Wes Gentile: Explaining a punchline
My least favorite character in opera is...
Trevor Martin: Micaëla
Matt Moeller: Gianetta
Wes Mason: Everyone in La sonnambula
Stephen Clark: Carmen
Wes Gentile: Chairman Mao's wife
Tenors Dane Suarez, Brian Wallin and Kevin Newell |
Here are the tenor responses.
I'm a self-proclaimed expert on:
Dane Suarez: Guessing temperatures with my hands
Brian Wallin: Trolling Facebook for funny animal videos
Kevin Newell: [Declined to answer]
David T. Little and Royce Vavrek's next opera should be about [blank] and feature me as [blank]:
Dane Suarez: Taylor the latte boy...Taylor
Brian Wallin: A cat....the owner
Kevin Newell: Dune...A sand worm
Secret Midnight Snack:
Dane Suarez: Cheese
Brian Wallin: Sonic
Kevin Newell: Ben & Jerry's
At age 10 I dreamed of being a(n)....
Dane Suarez: Artist
Brian Wallin: NASCAR driver
Kevin Newell: Butler
My pet peave is...
Dane Suarez: Taylor Swift
Brian Wallin: Mouth noises
Kevin Newell: Social media
My least favorite character in opera is...
Dane Suarez: Micaëla
Brian Wallin: Pamina
Kevin Newell: Micaëla