Hot Schrott showing off what's hot!

Hot Shrott showing off his best Justin Timberlake impersonation

Erwin Schrott has been alternating the roles of Don Giovanni and Leporello. In an interview he stated that Leporello has the better music. We're not sure why he opted for the title role in last month's Don Giovanni in Vienna. We probably know why he didn't take on the role of Masetto who had to perform fellatio on a banana. Barihunk candidate Markus Butter didn't seem to mind and took a bit more into his mouth than the direction probably called for!
The Leporello, for the record, was Hanno Müller- Brachmann, a regular on this site and one of our favorite singers (not that we focus a lot on voices).
Hot Schrott Backstage

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OMG! What happened to Erwin Schrott... He used to look like a man, but now he looks like a teenager! Maybe it's just a matter of taste...