Jonathan Beyer is becoming to opera what Meryl Streep is to the Oscars, racking up awards and leaving the competition in the dust. This talented young singer first appeared on our site a month ago after winning the Classical Idol Competition. Yesterday he walked away with the top prize in the prestigious McCammon Voice Competition after performing "News Has a Kind of Mystery" from John Adams' Nixon in China.
The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram wrote:
Beyer, a baritone from Philadelphia, won $10,000 and a role in a future Fort Worth Opera production. His characterization of President Richard Nixon in the aria "News Has a Kind of Mystery" from John Adams' Nixon in China was the afternoon's finest dramatic singing. Beyer plied the song's repeated words with forward-flowing momentum and captured the opera's momentous grandeur.
You can read the entire article HERE.
According to his website, he will be performing L'Heure Eapagnole with Opera Frankfurt, Jonathan Dove's Flight with Austin Lyric Opera, Schaunard in La Boheme with Hong Kong Opera, Morales in Carmen with Opera Company of Philadelphia, Marcello in La Boheme with Central City Opera, Ping in Turandot with the Dallas Opera, as well as a number of concerts and recitals.
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Beyer was wonderful, and deserved the win - but the contest was a veritable Barihunk feast, with other finalists Craig Verm, Dan Kempson, Donovan Singletary, and Tom Forde all super sexy (and singing very well that day).